Month Flat Week Day
Thursday, May 04, 2023 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
4 Hours

How REALTORS® earn stellar referrals while boosting profits!

REALTORS® will learn new routes to increased profits as they guide clients to homes that are often superior on several levels; healthy, safe, comfortable, durable, resilient, of higher quality and with lower costs of ownership. They’ll build expertise to realize higher sales prices and commissions, faster marketing times, stronger credibility, and deeper personal fulfillment in their work.

Those who’ve experienced living in a high-performance home treasure their homes! They testify to the quality of life and cost savings, and this proof grows progressively stronger over time! These clients are even more than a good referral, they’re advocates; one of the most valued assets any sales professional can have.

Building on courses #1 & 2, attendees will increase comprehension of why and how HP homes are outstanding.

There’s a strong business case for REALTORS®! As they guide their buyers and sellers to HP homes, they’re supporting their client’s best interests as well as the environment’s. Every house makes a difference!

Course Highlights

  • 12 distinct benefits clients care about
  • Resonate: Sales strategies to connect with both emotional and rational realms
  • Financial scenarios: Value, payback, investment logic
  • New incentives rolling out! How energy policies and climate goals will impact homes
  • Tools and resources to boost effectiveness of listings, tours, special events